Things are Getting Strange at Silver Toy Shop
You watched it and we know it! Stranger Things season 4 made a huge hit globally, with over 1.4 billion hours viewed! With that being said, Silver Toy Shop offers you the ultimate Stranger Things season 4 experience by purchasing your favourite Stranger Things Funko POPS! directly from their website.
Not sure what the Stranger Things season 4 Funko POPS! are? Well, wait no further. The list of Stranger Things season 4 Funko POPS! includes but is not limited to – Argyle, Mike, Eleven, Robin, Erica, Steve, Will, Vecna, Dustin, Eddie, Hopper, and Joyce. The original gang, plus our favourite added extras, Argyle and Eddie Munson.
While Argyle was only introduced in Stranger Things season 4, he has made a huge hit for himself! Upon, befriending Jonathan and having his mind blown after witnessing first-hand just how powerful Eleven is. He will definitely be around for a long time with the gang. However, his Funko POP! may not, as it is considered quite exclusive. Therefore, if you would like to avoid any disappointment you can purchase this lovely character with our pre-orders. For our beloved Argyle fans, join in his employment at Surfer Boy Pizza with your very own Surfer Boy Pizza T-shirt! Unfortunately, there is no Surfer Boy Pizza van to date.
Argyle, wasn’t the only new member of the gang to be introduced into Stanger Things season 4, who could forget about our beloved hero Eddie Munson? While his character had a tragic ending, we all hold a very dear spot in our hearts for him. You can get your very own Eddie Munson with guitar (and relive that epic moment) Funko POP! from Silver Toy Shop too, beware he is also considered quite a rare item!
For all our Hellfire Club Fans (not cult, club! See what we did there Jason?) While you wait in anticipation for season 5, which is only being released sometime in 2024! You can pre-order your very own Hellfire Club T-shirt from Silver Toy Shop! Feel like a part of the gang while watching the last and final season of Stranger Things in style!
While I did mention this earlier on in the article, the original gang, and its new members from season 4 of Stranger Things are up for purchase from us. The Stranger Things Season 4 Funko POPS! includes, plush, keychains, mystery minis, and POP! 8-BIT, some awesome vintage T-shirts! And even a Hopper POP! Delux!
Gift a plush to a friend, or keep it to snuggle with at night, complete your collection of Eleven coming into her own self and discovering her own style and so much more with these amazing season 4 Stranger Things Funko POPS! and assorted merchandise.
Let’s also take some time to thank Funko! for not releasing an Angela Funko POP! (Eleven’s bully in season 4) to date and the rest of the angsty teenage gang, that ganged up over her! If only they knew what Eleven could do.
Don’t delay, get your pre-orders for Stranger Things season 4 Funko POPS! from Silver Toy Shop today, while stocks last!